Woody’s is getting rave reviews from all 50 States for the way they treat their customers with kindness and respect, like a neighbor or friend.  Also for the having the best  price up front, no hassles or pushy salespeople. For finally making the car buying experience enjoyable. Here’s a sample of some of the accolades Woody’s is receiving from their customers.

Jeremy Shellenberger 20tb43

Smiling from wheel to wheel! We were super excited when Jeremy came from St. Joseph, MO to find the best price for his Ram 1500

Jeffrey Jenny Donovan 22rx39

WOW Family! We were delighted when our Royal Loyal customers, Jeffrey and Jenny, came back to see us from Gallatin, MO to find the best

Jason Nickerson 17te09

“The WOW Difference!” We were thrilled when Jason came from Columbia, MO to find the best price for his Ram 1500 right here at Woody’s!

Jacoby Knapp 20wb13

10 out of 10! We were super excited when Jacoby came from Trenton, MO to find the best price for a Dodge Durango right here

Douglas Roth 19tt31

Smooth sailin’! We were delighted when our Royal Loyal customer, Douglas, came back to see us from Riverside, MO to find the best price for

Tara Micetich 18tn07

WOW’d across the map! We’re so grateful to Tara for coming all the way from Numa, IOWA to find the best price for her Ford

Randy Jo Hughs 10tt27

Royally happy! We were thrilled when our Royal Loyal customers, Randy and Jo, came back to see us from Trenton, MO to find the best

Juwuan Collins 11tm39

Stay cool! We’re so grateful to Juwuan for coming all the way from Topeka, KANSAS to find the best price for a Dodge Challenger right

Jane Bell 20we41

Beautiful wheels! We were super excited when our Royal Loyal customer, Jane, came back to see us from Gallatin, MO to find the best price

Greg Beik 21wb07

Royal sequel! We’re so grateful to our Royal Loyal customer, Greg, for coming back to see us all the way from Muscatine, IOWA to find

Jason Heiting 17tk09

Truth and transparency! We were delighted when Jason came from Kansas City, MO to find the best price for his Chrysler Pacifica right here at

Jasmine Hinkle 18tc37

Your journey begins! We were thrilled that Jasmine didn’t have to travel very far to find the best price for her Dodge Journey right here

Dennis Carter 16rc35

Smiling from wheel to wheel! We were super excited when our Royal Loyal customer, Dennis, came back to see us from Kearney, MO to find

Daniel Leatherman 20tt91

WOW Factor! We were delighted that Daniel didn’t have to travel very far to find the best price for his Hyundai Elantra right here at

Customer Overlay091621 Copy

Smiles and stars! We were thrilled when Karlie came from Carrollton, MO to find the best price for her Jeep Grand Cherokee right here at

Cody Madison Ireland 21tx39

Super easy! We were super excited when Cody and Madison came from Chula, MO to find the best price for their Dodge Durango right here

Archie Frazon 19tt23

WOW’d & Proud! We were delighted when Archie and Trena came from Hughesville, MO to find the best price for their Ram 1500 right here

Anthony Buccheri 17te41

Stars across the map! We’re so grateful to Anthony for coming all the way from Berlin, CONNECTICUT to find the best price for his Chevrolet

Tajaree Brooks 20rt13

True pleasure! We were thrilled when Tajaree came from Raytown, MO to find the best price for a Mazda CX-5 right here at Woody’s!  We

Ryan Dorrell 20wb19

Greatness! We were super excited when Ryan came from Gladstone, MO to find the best price for his Dodge Challenger right here at Woody’s! We

Rebeccah Kale Dorrel 18wa07

Royally pleased! We were delighted when our Royal Loyal customers, Rebeccah and Kale, came back to see us from Brookfield, MO to find the best

Kristen David Lee 19rx51

Perfect ten! We were thrilled when Kristen and David came from Brookfield, MO to find the best price for their Chevrolet Traverse right here at

Keaton Andrews 18tt15

4 wheels, 5 stars! We were super excited when Keaton came from Hardin, MO to find the best price for his Chevrolet Malibu right here

Jared Addilea Andrews 20tw23

W-O-W! We were delighted when our Royal Loyal customers, Jared and Addilea, came back to see us from Gallatin, MO to find the best price