Home / Pre-Owned Inventory / Used / 2017 / Stehl Tow / Car Dolly / 531BT111XHP064861

Used 2017 Stehl Tow Car Dolly

VIN: 531BT111XHP064861
Stock #: 17A1784
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*Finance price includes a $1,000 rebate from our lenders. A $399 admin fee will be added.


Stock #:17A1784
Ext. Color:silver-
Fuel Type:Unknown


Standard Features

Vehicle Location

Woody’s Automotive Group
310 S. Washington Street
Chillicothe, MO 64601

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After all applicable rebates and discounts, see dealer for details. Excludes tax, title, license fees. . Errors occur with regard to web content. We reserve the right to correct these errors and may not be held accountable for them. We appreciate your After all applicable rebates and discounts, see dealer for details. Excludes tax, title, license fees. . Errors occur with regard to web content. We reserve the right to correct these errors and may not be held accountable for them. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any errors and ask that you please call to verify mileage, availability and anything else of importance to you before making a trip to our dealership.and apologize for any errors and ask that you please call to verify mileage, availability and anything else of importance to you before making a trip to our dealership.